
Thursday, March 15, 2012

‘Ugly Singaporeans’ have made it onto Malaysian news

Hogging empty seats, picking noses and clipping nails on public transport are just some of the horrid Singaporean habits that have been picked up by Sin Chew Daily – a Malaysian Chinese daily.

The article mentions how Singaporean netizens have been highlighting many of the inconsiderate acts witnessed while travelling on public transport.

Indeed, pictures of 'ugly Singaporeans' in action are often uploaded on forums as well as to the citizen journalism site, STOMP.

And so far, there seems to be no solution in sight.

Singapore Polytechnic student, Shakeela Yazid told inSing News, "It's really annoying when you're in a crowded train and you need some balance, so you reach out to grab a pole but feel that someone's body is leaning against it."

Aside from seeing inconsiderate commuters, some said they were usually ticked off by "unsightly and disgusting" people on buses and trains.

Currently serving his National Service, Budi Alfian said, "Singaporeans tend to be very unhygienic when picking their noses shamelessly on public transport. I find it terribly revolting."

"The fact that the disgusting habits of some shameless locals have made it to the Malaysian news is clearly something that saddens me because I take pride in being a Singaporean," he added.

33-year-old Jeremiah Soon said, "One time I came across this auntie dressed in a full leopard print outfit – head to toe – with heavy makeup and all. Not only did she attract so many stares with her dressing but she had her legs crossed and was cutting her toe nails!"

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