
Monday, March 19, 2012

Teen boy unable to accept break up over one week relationship, fell from bridge

Unable to accept his girlfriend's suggestion that they break up, a 17-year-old boy fell from an overhead bridge as she watched.

He died two days later.

Ong Jia Xiang, a second-year Institute of Technical Education (ITE) student, fell from the overhead bridge spanning Prinsep Street at 3.05am on Sunday.

He was still conscious when he was taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, but was pronounced dead at 6.10pm on Tuesday.

Dressed sombrely in black, Jia Xiang's girlfriend was spotted at his wake at midnight on Thursday, where she sat silently until dawn.

Shin Min reported that Jia Xiang and his girlfriend had dated for just a week before she asked to end their relationship.

Both often went out together with a group of friends, but it was only recently that they became romantically involved.

Their relationship fell apart the day before the incident, when Jia Xiang's girlfriend discovered his alleged past dalliances with other girls.

She assumed he was a playboy and decided to end the relationship, the friend revealed.

That happened the night before the fall.

Shortly before the incident, Jia Xiang and his girlfriend had gone to an unnamed club with a group of friends, where he was spotted drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

He then ran out of the club towards the nearby overhead bridge, all the while arguing heatedly with his girlfriend.

The row ended abruptly when Jia Xiang fell.

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