
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Man nabbed for molesting Gurkha policeman's wife

Number three in the Top Ten things not to do - ever, in your life... to molest a Gurkha's wife...

What was the idiot thinking?

A netizen witnessed four strong, able-bodied Ghurkas and two policemen restrain one man on Sunday evening (18 Mar).

The man had allegedly molested a woman at 6.15pm, at the Esso petrol station beside Hotel Windsor, located at Macpherson Road.

Netizen 'David' wrote to the Stomp website to exclaim, "It took an additional four men to subdue him, as the two police officers were struggling to hold him down!"

According to Shin Min Daily News, the man had hugged a woman from behind and tried to grab her breasts while she was drawing money at an ATM at the petrol station.

The woman, in her 20s, was alone at the time and is understood to be a Gurkha police officer's wife.

Witnesses told Lianhe Wanbao that the woman had screamed and the molester had taken off immediately.

But the man did not get far as a group of Gurkha policemen who were jogging in the area heard the screams and gave chase.

The 31-year-old Singaporean Indian man was quickly caught and subdued by six Gurkha policemen.

Witnesses told Shin Min Daily News that the molester, topless and clad only in a pair of jeans, was still struggling and shouting while the six men restrained him.

The area is well-known to be near the Gurkha officers' dormitory and residents would even joke that they have 'extra police patrols' when these officers come out for their evening jog.

Oh by the way, Numbers one and two in the Top Ten things not to do - ever, in your life... are:
1) Swim in volcano lava
2) Wrestle with a giant octopus

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