
Monday, March 19, 2012

Kony video director in hospital after public meltdown

A co-founder of the group behind a viral video about a brutal African warlord was detained by the police and hospitalised after witnesses saw him running through streets in his underwear, screaming and banging his fists on the pavement.

Mr Jason Russell of Invisible Children was hospitalised for exhaustion less than two weeks after the release of the 30-minute video he narrated about warlord Joseph Kony, said Mr Ben Keesey, the group's chief executive officer.

"Jason Russell was unfortunately hospitalised yesterday suffering from exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition," said Mr Keesey, pointing to the "severe emotional toll" the group has faced.

"He is now receiving medical care and is focused on getting better," he said.

Mr Russell's wife denied that alcohol or drug use triggered the behaviour. In a statement, she said the film brought a lot of attention to Mr Russell and "many of the attacks against it were also very personal, and Jason took them very hard".

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