
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kiasuism has no limits - Some parents register kids for preschool at birth

For some parents, success starts in the womb.

Her second child, whom she plans to name Isaac, will be born only next month, but Mrs Irene Lee, 33, has already decided which school he will attend when he turns 18 months old - even if that is almost two years away.

She intends to sign her newborn up when registration begins at the end of this year.

Speaking about her advanced planning, she explains that she believes children's formative years are crucial.

"At this age, they absorb beyond what you think they can. My elder son Werner came back one day and told me the sun is a star," she says with a note of surprise in her voice.

Housewife Daphne Chia, in her 30s, thought she was "well-prepared" when she tried to register her 11/2-year-old son, Aaron, at one kindergarten.

What she didn't expect was that the 11/2-year lead time was not enough to secure a spot in the popular preschool.

"They told me there were more than 100 people on the waiting list, and I realised that people go to the school once they have the child's birth certificate to register,"she says with a wry laugh.

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