
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) found in Pasir Ris, Tampines: Police

This month, the police have received several reports of improvised explosive devices set off by sparklers in Pasir Ris and Tampines.

According to a statement by the police, they have been called in several times as a result of explosions heard. Remains of improvised sparkler devices were found at the scene.

In the statement, the police said: "While the importation and sale of some types of sparklers are legal in Singapore, the use of sparklers should be done in a responsible manner according to the safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer."

These improvised explosive devices constructed using sparklers are a potential fire hazard, may cause noise pollution, and undue alarm to the public. The blast can also cause injury to persons and damage to property.

Anyone caught setting off improvised explosive devices may be prosecuted in Court for either an offence of negligent conduct with respect to any fire or combustible matter under Section 285 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224 or negligent conduct with respect to any explosive substance under Section 286 of the Penal Code Chapter 224.

If convicted of either offence, the offender will be liable to an imprisonment term which may extend to one year, or a fine of up to S$5,000, or to both.

Anyone with information on those responsible for such acts is requested to take note of the description of the culprits and call the Police immediately. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

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