
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Guards honour dead NSF with khaki-coloured beret

The full-time national serviceman who died at Changi General Hospital on Thursday was posthumously awarded the coveted sand-coloured beret of the 3rd Battalion Singapore Guards.

The beret was presented on Friday by Commanding Officer in the battalion, Captain Cai Zhen Han, to the father of Private Amirul Syahmi Kamal, 19, who was found unconscious in a toilet at Bedok camp at 5.30pm and later pronounced dead at the hospital.

The headgear is worn by members of the elite infantry unit and reserved only for enlisted men who complete the Army's Guards Advanced Infantry Training or Guards Conversion Course for officers and specialists, reported The Straits Times.

In the report, Private Amirul was due to receive the beret at a passing out parade at the camp on Saturday.

His father, Mr Kamal Ahmat, 48, a watch technician, said his son had sent him a text messgae to his wife on Wednesday evening, reminding them to attend the ceremony on Saturday so that they can witness him receiving the beret.

Mr Ahmat said his eldest son had just returned from a field camp in Pulau Tekong then.

Private Amirul would have turned 20 next Wednesday.

More than 100 were present at his burial at Lim Chu Kang Muslim cemetery. The Straits Times reported that many of his platoon mates were choking back tears.

Captain Cai described Private Amirul as a 'motivated soldier who was always determined to try his best' in his euology.

He also said that the 'roti boy' will be dearly missed, a nickname Private Amirul earned because of his habit of eating bread and cheese.

Mr Abdul Aziz Ahmad, 21, childhood friend of Private Amirul, said he had been shocked by the sudden passing of his friend.

He told The Straits Times: "He was a very motivated person. After six months in the army, he lost a lot of weight."

Mr Abdul Aziz, a fireman, said Private Amirul had complained of fatigue but was more stressed about not having enough time to spend with his family and friends.

The last time they saw each other was when they went bowling together two weeks ago.

On Twitter, friends described Private Amirul as a cheerful young man who always made others smile.

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