
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Alignment of road at Bukit Brown finalised

The alignment of the road to be built across Bukit Brown was finalised today, and will feature a bridge that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) says will complement the existing topography and allow for wildlife movement in the area.

The LTA said the road alignment - which has drawn criticism from those who want to see the heritage of Bukit Brown preserved - was chosen because it is the shortest route through the area and required no acquisition of private property.

The 670-metre bridge will make up one-third of its length. Under the finalised road alignment, which was gazetted today, less graves will also be affected.

3,746 graves from Bukit Brown and 194 graves from the Seh Ong cemetery will be affected by the new road. The LTA had originally estimated that 5,000 graves would have to make way.

Next-of-kin of graves affected by the new road have until the end of this year to register their claim to the affected graves with the LTA before the public exhumation begins early next year. Public exhumation was originally slated for the forth quarter of this year.

Registration can be done by post, fax, online, or in person and a full list of affected graves will be published in the newspapers and be available online on the LTA homepage.

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