
Friday, January 13, 2012

Police called in multiple times over Chip Bee Gardens neighbours' spat

National University of Singapore (NUS) Professor Dr Denisa Kera has apologised to her neighbours at Chip Bee Gardens for their loss of peace and privacy in the midst of a dispute between her and her next-door neighbour Mr Ivan Loh.

Mr Loh has called in the police six times over the past nine months to complain about the noise levels at Dr Kera's house parties. However, Dr Kera insists she has not stepped out of line.

'I'm just a researcher, a normal person in my late 30s. I don't think I make much more noise than any person in their late 30s,' said Dr Kera who is from Prague and has been staying in Singapore since 2008. Even though Mr Loh observed that his neighbour has kept quiet since the first media reports were published last week, he is not letting the matter rest.

'My course has moved slightly because Singapore needs to know what kind of lecturers we have,' said the 41-year-old photographer who lives with his wife and a 1-year-old baby. 'The moral standards of the person must be upheld, if not how do you teach our children of the future?'

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