
Sunday, January 15, 2012

CDAC increases funds to help families

Self-help group Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) has set aside more funds to help more families move up the social ladder.

Its budget for this year is bigger by 15 per cent - at about S$25 million, and it aims to help 64,500 beneficiaries. Last year, it spent more than S$21 million to help 61,700 people.

Yesterday, the self-help group unveiled a song and a logo to mark the council's 20th anniversary. While the self-help group has made good progress over the past two decades, CDAC chairman Lim Swee Say expects the pace of economic restructuring to be "even faster, in response to global competition".

There will also be programmes for workers to motivate them to pursue a better career path. However, these new programmes will cost more.

Mr Lim said: "The support needed per student, per family, per worker, relatively speaking, is higher than our so-called traditional programmes in helping them to cope with examinations and so on.

"The amount of effort and resources needed for each student, worker and family will likewise go up. What it means is that we need more financial resources and at the same time, if not more importantly, we need to have more volunteers."

CDAC will also set up two new centres in Bedok and Jurong in collaboration with the respective Community Development Councils.

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