
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Woman in coma after fall in SMRT bus

A 54-year-old woman is in a coma after she fractured her skull following a fall in a bus on Sunday.

According to Mr You Bu Ya, the husband of the victim Ding Weibo, Mdm Ding boarded SMRT bus service 167 at Orchard Road, near The Heeren shopping centre, with their 26-year-old daughter.

The bus had moved off before Mdm Ding and her daughter could reach their seats. The bus driver then suddenly hit the brakes - causing Mdm Ding to fall and hit her head. Her daughter said: "I was so scared and panicked, I did not know what to do. I kept calling for her but there was no response."

Mr You, 58, added: "She became unconscious and never woke up. The doctors say her life is in danger. How can the bus driver drive like this? I'm very angry because, from the start till now, the bus company never contacted us to express concern."


Mdm Ding had suffered internal bleeding and is currently warded at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH). According to her family members, she is still in critical condition.

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