
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Video: Off-duty police officers beaten up after concert

CORPUS CHRISTI — Several off-duty police officers in Corpus Christi, Texas were beaten by a large group of men after a concert on Tuesday night.


A man who was leaving the concert caught the melee on his digital camera and handed it over to KRISTV.com with hopes that it might help identify the 8 to 10 suspects.

In the video, one of the officers can be seen on the ground. Bystanders can be heard yelling, some encouraging the violence and others saying to leave the officers alone.

Two of the cops suffered only minor injuries while a third came away with a fractured eye socket.

The man who shot the video, Michael Price, handed it over to authorities on Thursday, hoping it could help identify the suspects.


One man, Kenneth Cleveland, 41, was arrested and faces multiple charges.

Note: Can't embed the video on here, so you got to click the link below to be diverted to the original article if you want to watch it.


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