
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

S'poreans give positive Budget feedback

SINGAPORE: Government feedback unit REACH said it has received generally positive responses from Singaporeans about Budget 2011.

Close to 30 per cent of the more than 600 feedback inputs REACH received were on growth payouts.

REACH said most people supported the government's move to share surpluses.

But some felt the amount was not enough to cover rising costs, and others felt it was unfair to base the payout on housing size.

Rewarding working Singaporeans was also a hot issue with 20 per cent commenting on it.

A majority of contributors welcomed the additional support for lower- and middle-income earners.

They also welcomed the removal of television and radio license fees, more progressive personal income tax schedule.

Most were generally for the increase in Central Provident Fund (CPF) contribution by employers, with a few suggesting the additional amount be credited into the Ordinary Account or Minimum Sum instead of the Special Account.

Compared to the same time last year, REACH received three times more feedback inputs for Budget 2011.

Members of public can continue to share their views on Budget 2011 on the REACH's dedicated Budget website.


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