
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Man fined S$10,000 for bringing in unlicensed puppy from M'sia

The court heard that 29-year-old Eugene Yeo Jiedong was aware of the strict import control measures laid down by Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA).
But on November 15 last year, he decided to take the risk and placed the Golden Retriever puppy which he paid about RM3,500 (S$1,500) for to a dog breeder in Kuala Lumpur inside a black bag before passing through the checkpoint undetected at around 5.30am the next day.

He was exposed when he brought the four-month-old puppy to Mount Pleasant Veterinary Clinic December 7 last year.

Yeo told Dr Boon Chia Yun that he had brought the puppy into the country without a licence and he wanted it to be vaccinated against rabies in case it had the disease.

Dr Boon highlighted to him the seriousness of his offence as it could cause a rabies outbreak in Singapore.

She also advised him to own up to the AVA within a week's time, adding that she would report the matter to the authorities should he fail to do so.

Yeo did not heed the advice and this prompted Dr Boon to blow the whistle on him.

The scuba diving instructor was fined the maximum S$10,000 for bringing in a puppy from Malaysia without a licence.


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