
Monday, February 7, 2011

Japanese rally for return of islands from Russia

TOKYO - JAPAN'S Prime Minister Naoto Kan led a large rally on Monday demanding the return of several islands held by Russia since the end of World War II and calling the recent visit there by Russia's president an outrage.

The dispute over the southern Kuril islands, known in Japan as the Northern Territories, has long been a sticking point in relations between the two countries and has kept them from signing a formal peace treaty ending their World War II hostilities.


Japan has designated Feb 7 as 'Northern Territories Day,' saying that a treaty dating back to that day in 1855 supports its claim to the islands.

Asked about Kan's statements, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said they were 'undiplomatic' and contrasted sharply with the positive tone of a meeting between Kan and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Yokohama last fall.

Mr Lavrov said that Russia was ready to cooperate with Japan and continue talks on a peace treaty.


Related Article: Russia responds to Japan's island remarks

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