
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Former street cat hired at 10 Downing Street

LONDON - BRITISH Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled the newest recruit to 10 Downing Street Tuesday: a rat-catching feline called Larry with a 'very strong predatory drive'.


The four-year-old tabby, a former stray, has joined Mr Cameron and his family to take command of pest control issues after a rodent was spotted on the steps of the most famous front door in the land.

'I'm delighted to welcome Larry to his new home. He came highly recommended to me by Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, who did a fantastic job looking after him,' Cameron said in a statement.

'I'm sure he will be a great addition to Downing Street and will charm our many visitors.' The prime minister's official spokesman said staff members had chosen Larry but Mr Cameron's young children had given him their approval, and the cat would now have run of most of the house.

Larry was also well-qualified for the job, the spokesman said. 'Whilst in Battersea's care, Larry showed a very strong predatory drive and enjoyed playing with toy mice,' the spokesman said.

'Before coming to Battersea, Larry was a stray so he was used to fending for himself in the streets. Nothing is ever guaranteed but his behaviour at Battersea convinced staff that he'll be up for the job of ratting.' Battersea Dogs and Cats Home said Larry was the 'unanimous' choice of Downing Street staffers, who picked him because he was 'very sociable' in addition to his apparent rat-catching skills.


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