
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Boy, 11, arrested over classroom doodle that says "teachers they must die"

An 11-year-old boy in the US has been arrested by police over a doodle he made in school.

The drawing showed stick figures with one holding a gun and pointing at the rest with the words, 'teachers must die'.

The principal, who was aware that the boy was seeing a therapist, determined that he was not a threat and notified his parents.

However, police knocked on his door later that evening, with a warrant for arrest.

The 11-year-old was handcuffed and taken to the police station, where he had his mugshot taken, was finger-printed and then held in a cell.

According to his parents, officers refused to allow them to accompany their son to the police station.

His mother, "Jane", who wished to remain anonymous, told Fox 31 News: 'It was heart-wrenching to see my son, my 11-year-old, walk out the front door in handcuffs and get in the police car."

"It was violently unfair to the little guy. It’s traumatic", said Jane.

After his arrest he was then transported to a mental hospital by ambulance where he stayed for three days, before medical professionals deemed he was not a threat and sent him home.

Police maintain "they did nothing wrong" and felt the circumstances justified their actions.


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