
Thursday, February 24, 2011

17 corrupted police officers arrested in workshop sham

Seventeen Baltimore police officers are accused of receiving $300 for each vehicle they steered to a repair shop not authorized to tow vehicles from accident scenes, authorities said Wednesday.

The shop's two owners, also charged, allegedly paid officers to arrange for their company, rather than a city-authorized firm, to tow damaged vehicles to their shop, according to the U.S. attorney's office in Baltimore.

According to an affidavit filed with the complaint, from January 2009 until the present, the officers involved would call the shop owners from an accident scene and describe the damage to vehicles. The officer would then tell the vehicle owner that Majestic Auto Repair Shop LLC would help with towing, repairs, car rental and an insurance claim.

The police officers involved received about $300 for each vehicle they steered to Majestic. During the two-year scheme, they have received payments totaling from $300 to more than $14,400.
The defendants are charged with conspiracy to commit extortion, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years.


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