
Friday, January 28, 2011

Police smash online sex syndicate, 5 suspects held

THE police have arrested five people believed to be members of an online sex syndicate.

Acting on a tip-off, police officers raided a hotel at Lavender Street on Jan 24, arresting two men and three women aged between 19 and 29.

Cash amounting to $1,250 and other items such as handphones, a camera and several notebooks indicating transaction records, were seized during the operation, which ended in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Investigations show the syndicate is believed to have advertised sexual services via an Internet website, where potential customers could book their sexual services and proceed to a designated hotel.


Investigations are ongoing. Those found guilty of offences under the Women's Charter may be fined up to $10,000 and jailed for not more than five years. Repeat offenders are liable for caning.

Commander of Central Police Division and Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police Tan Hung Hooi, said: 'Police will keep up enforcement actions against vice activities and take such offenders to task.'


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