
Friday, January 28, 2011

Indiana cop succumbs to injuries after shooting

INDIANAPOLIS — A 29-year-old Indianapolis police officer shot during a weekend traffic stop has died, city and police officials said Wednesday.


Officer David Moore died at Wishard Hospital, where he had been on life support since he was shot Sunday morning, Sgt. Linda Jackson said.

Police have accused 60-year-old ex-convict Thomas Hardy in the shooting. A judge has given prosecutors until Friday to file charges against Hardy, who is being held without bond.

Doctors say two bullets hit Moore in the face and just missed his spinal cord. He also was shot in the thigh, and his protective vest stopped another bullet.

Hardy was arrested Sunday in connection with a store robbery that happened less than an hour after Moore was shot.

He had been released on bond last month following an arrest on theft charges after his parole officer did not enter his most recent parole information into a national database, Indiana Department of Correction spokesman Doug Garrison said. The parole officer also didn't perform required monthly checks to determine whether Hardy had been arrested, Garrison said.

The agency suspended the parole officer without pay Tuesday. He has not been identified.

Officials have said Hardy was considered "low risk" when he was paroled in October 2009 after serving a 1,000-day sentence for theft.


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